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Activity record

May 6, 2022

Meta leads Taiwan into the Metaverse! Established Asia's first XR Hub in Taiwan, targeting three major areas

The Fourth Virtual Human Hackathon award ceremony was held at Taipei World Trading Center Exhibition Hall 1 on November 12, 2022. This year’s theme was Taiwan speciality products. More than 60 2D, and 3D creators have participated. Many unique and interesting VTuber marketing videos were created which exemplify new media VTuber marketing. Outstanding works may even have business opportunities which bring an unlimited possibility of integration between Metaverse and local. We have invited many famous Taiwanese VTubers to the ceremony to celebrate together. At the event, there were opportunities to observe and learn from outstanding works that won Golden Animation Awards, Golden Bell Awards, etc.





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VP 科技影像研討會 - 報名

活動由社團法人動畫特效協會與臺灣虛擬網紅協會主辦、羊咩咩整合行銷協辦,特邀英國 Brompton Technology、日本 Studio Bros 及烽燧視覺聯合主講,內容涵蓋 LED XR 影像顯示技術、日本 VP 製作分享、XR 追蹤及虛實展演,講座將開放與日本公司 Live 連線 Q & A 時間。

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May 6, 2022

[Metaverse X Information Council] The first XR base in Asia is in Taiwan! Build the next sacred mountain of science and technology to protect the country

President Tsai Ing-wen attended the inauguration of the META Metaverse Asia Base, which was held at Digi Block Innovation Space in Yuanshan. In recent years, the government has actively promoted the "Asia·Silicon Valley" program, hoping to successfully drive domestic industrial transformation. The president also happened to meet a virtual character at the scene, and the interaction between the two made the atmosphere of the scene to the highest point! The event also includes the introduction of AR augmented reality, VR virtual reality and Metaverse. Let's join the president in a fantastic virtual world!


March 21, 2022

2022 Smart City Exhibition Taipei Mayor Xiao Ke appeared

Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe visited the exhibition area of the Taipei City Government. He met the virtual person Mayor Xiao Ke in the center of the 3A teaching base, and even had a "Ke's talk" with the virtual person Mayor Xiao Ke. When dull disciplines collided with novel technologies , not only students' interest in learning is stronger, but it also makes teaching easier for teachers. The feelings and connections between teachers and students have been improved through seemingly cold technology.


March 10, 2022

There is a reason for the rapid development of Japan's VTuber, which invested 1.1 billion in virtual network red in half a year

Taiwan has accumulated nearly 1,000 VTuber debuts in recent years. Although it has not yet formed an industrial scale, VTuber fans have a high degree of stickiness. Coupled with the characteristics of cross-time and space, the explosive power of output value should not be underestimated.


January 6, 2022

Perak TV's new-style program "A House Runs Up" virtual production showcases metaverse issues

Pili TV has cooperated with Taiwan Virtual Internet Celebrity Association, Future Productions, and Fengsui Vision to launch a new series of programs "A House Runs Up", inviting 13 VTubers from all over the world to interact with each other in real time, bringing the most pressing topics in the Metaverse.

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November 19, 2021

The "2021 Digital Technology Solutions Competition" organized by the Information Policy Council won the gold award for the "Wise Sense Creation" team's use of compound algorithms combined with sensor technology demonstrations

The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs has entrusted the Information Industry Planning Association, a consortium, to carry out "Training with War" talent training and "2021 Digital Technology Solution Competition" to attract innovative technology talents from all over Taiwan.


October 16, 2021

2021 Digital Taipei builds a smart content industry achievement platform to create a future technology life

The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs held the "2021 Digital Taipei Future Life Smart Technology" event at the Taipei Digital Content Industrial Park digiBlock C Digital Innovation Base, bringing together the applications and achievements of various emerging technologies, leading the industry, government, academia and research to lead the future.

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October 01, 2021

Chang Jung Christian University announces launch of New Virtual Reality Media Center for animation, movie, and motion capture.

Evergreen University established a virtual and real cross-border media center to cultivate digital talents in the film and television and animation industries. In addition to equipment procurement and professional teacher investment, it will also cooperate with the Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association to promote the Virtual Influencer Certification Center and lead students to explore key cross-field production techniques for virtual influencers.


April 05, 2021

The rise of virtual internet celebrity VTuber, business opportunities should not be underestimated

"Virtual Internet celebrities" are taking advantage of the rise of the lonely economy. At this stage, virtual Internet celebrities can already serve as virtual anchors and advertising spokespersons. Compared with real stars, they can create greater benefits.


July 17, 2020

Asia Hackathon Creation Contest Award Ceremony

In order to promote the development of new-type content industry in China, under the guidance of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Digi+ Digital Economy Industry Promotion Office and Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association are sponsored, and the "International Virtual Human Forum and Asia" is carried out by the Information Policy Council and Sheep Baa Baa Integrated Marketing. "Hackathon Creation Contest", which raised 53 wonderful works in just 3 months, and even attracted participants from Japan, Hong Kong and other countries to participate in the grand event, injecting strong creative energy into the domestic smart content industry.

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March 31, 2020

Karate Association

Traditional martial arts x motion capture

In cooperation with the Karate Association, the traditional Songtao-style karate-style martial arts is combined with motion capture technology to show the new trend of traditional X digital.


November 20, 2019

IP Technology Business Application Seminar
Digital Human's virtual and real integration of real shooting technology is unveiled

Co-organized by Digi+ Digital Economy Industry Promotion Office, Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association and Ranse Animation You can experience real-time motion capture and better understand the virtual-real integration process~


May 3-July 15, 2019

2019 First Campus Character Design Competition

#campus character design competition
#winning works



黑客松工作坊 VTuber直播計畫 in 光華高中


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軍舍變身"動畫創作者基地" 首批團隊已進駐



April 25, 2022

[Future Little Policewoman 👮‍♀ X Police Radio Station] Taiwan's first virtual radio policewoman does not drive or drink after drinking~

Do you only meet the police on the road? Now there is also a future little policewoman in the air to accompany you! For the first time, the police invited the virtual character "Feather Dance" to explain the latest drunk driving regulations! Listeners can not only listen to the program online, but also interact with the little policewoman through the live broadcast~ Whether in the metaverse or in their own microcosm, everyone must obey the law!


March 10, 2022

Virtual human will be active in the metaverse "VTuber Plus" to develop new business models

​ In the future, people will have the opportunity to work, socialize, live in the "metaverse" with virtual avatars, and even provide various services for real people. In addition, VTuber is combined with AI to make virtual people and real people complement each other. Become a helper in a specific industry.


March 10, 2022

The top 10 global YouTubers account for 9 people in the world

In 2021, the top 10 global YouTubers will be ranked in the top 10, and VTuber will be the top 9, and its influence is increasing day by day. Chen Fengping, chairman of the Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association, is committed to promoting the development of Taiwan's VTuber cultural industry, establishing an industrial scale, and keeping up with global trends.


December 15, 2021

STUDIO A Apple classic retrospective special exhibition Macintosh 20th anniversary commemorative machine and dozens of classic products on display

STUDIO A has held the "Apple Classic Retrospective Exhibition" for 19 consecutive days, exhibiting dozens of classic Apple consoles, as well as "Da'an Time Collection" and the Metaverse "Virtual Human Experience". Motion capture equipment, allowing people to enter the world of the metaverse more quickly.


November 17, 2021

The No. 1 Metaverse employee "Little AI" of CITIC, the No. 1 website in the financial industry, appeared

The China Trust Technology Trends Multi-Asset Fund press conference was hosted by "Little AI", the No. 1 Metaverse employee of China Trust, adding new topics of the Metaverse to the press conference.


October 16, 2021

2021 Digital Taipei builds a platform for intelligent content industry achievements to create a future scientific and technological life

For the 2021 Taipei Fashion Week event, the AMBI SPACE ONE immersive multi-functional exhibition space on the fifth floor of Taipei 101 was used for the first time. Wang Zixin cooperated with the famous brand Claudia Wang and "Feng Sui Vision" to create a new catwalk experience that juxtaposes reality and reality.

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August 21, 2021

VTuber drives a new model in the Virtual Contest of the Strategic Committee

The Creation Office of the Information Council held the 3rd "2021 International Virtual Human Hackathon Creation Contest", and simultaneously demonstrated a number of virtual human technologies at the online award ceremony. The VTuber trend has swept the world and is expected to drive the development of the online economy.


January 12, 2021

[The 3rd Virtual Internet Celebrity Design Competition in Taiwan] Award Ceremony

In this award ceremony, Chairman Chen Fengping, Mr. Mark and Mr. Yu Xiang were invited to share many valuable opinions with all the contestants and winners.


July 14, 2020

Opening Ceremony of 5G Living Lab Innovation Demonstration Field

The Industry Bureau cooperated with Chunghwa Telecom to create a 5G demonstration field, and selected the first batch of 6 new teams to develop in this space. Whether in the field of games, or watching exhibitions or meetings in different places, they can use 5G high-speed network. for instant interaction.


March 24, 2020

Southeast University of Science and Technology x Motion Capture Demonstration

The Department of Digital Media of Southeast University of Science and Technology cooperated with the Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association to use a virtual-real hybrid motion capture system to upgrade VTuber Naner's performance!


October 22, 2019

Fuxing Commercial-Digital IP Animation and Game Production Art Planning and Case Sharing

The Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association, Linked Brain and G-angle Inc. went to Fuxing Shanggong to share with the students about animation and game production, and even the painters painted on the spot!

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June 21-23, 2019

2019 First International Forum and Hackathon Creation Event

#Xanthus Ranthes Animation
#TaiwanVirtual influencer association
#DigiBlock C



黑客松工作坊 in 世界高中

為了配合本年度的黑客松虛擬人創作大賽,本次協會在世界高中舉辦了黑客松工作坊來培訓報名參賽的學生們,為期3周每周一堂課的課程內容包括了: 1角色創作、2.動作捕捉、3.影片剪接。角色創作部分為VRoid軟體使用教學,用來打造自己的3D虛擬角色,動作捕捉部分則是讓同學們體驗綠幕攝影棚及光學攝影機的動作捕捉教學來教導他們如何拍攝虛擬製作影片,最後一堂則講解如何利用影片剪輯軟體來剪接拍攝好的影片,相信在經過整套完整的課程洗禮後,同學們都能產出令人驚豔的作品。




近年來元宇宙概念興起,「虛擬」這個詞也廣受大眾討論,其中「虛擬實況主」(Virtual YouTuber,VTuber)相關產業也逐漸展露頭角。不過早在2016年,日本就已經提出VTuber這個名詞,並實際透過「虛擬」的偶像活動,在接下來幾年快速發展,並且創造出蓬勃商機。

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Meta領台灣走進元宇宙!在台成立亞洲首座XR Hub,瞄準三大領域

Meta與資策會今(6)日攜手宣布,成立全亞洲第一座「元宇宙 XR Hub Taiwan」。秉持著台灣在軟、硬體科技產業的優勢,由這樣的社群空間出發,在台灣開展一系列計畫。


April 18, 2022

【Young Academy X Yingqiao Middle School】Similar Painting Course

Siyan Ei is the Chinese literal translation of the Japanese "Siyan Ei". Through painting, the appearance and mood of the characters are combined, and the head of the person is drawn. It originated from European portrait painting. After it was spread to Japan, it evolved from the collection of Japanese ukiyo-e. It is now widely used in various activities, advertising, etc.
This time, I specially went to Yingqiao Middle School to instruct the use of Affinity to make similar-looking painting techniques. The students are very serious, and they must be talents in design aesthetics in the future!


March 10, 2022

Taiwan's first VTuber program "A House Runs Up", cross-border interaction between virtual and real

The predicament of Taiwan's virtual internet celebrity industry is the lack of funds. In order to let the outside world know more about virtual internet celebrities, in addition to regularly holding international forums and design competitions, it also promotes the integration of industry and academia. Last year, it cooperated with Perak Taiwan to launch a new series of programs " Ah Zhai Run".

February 24, 2022

[Submission] Can "Virtual Humans" become a new force in the future world?

In addition to entering the metaverse and entering the entertainment industry, virtual humans can actually enter the real world to fill the gaps and deficiencies and improve the dilemma of society.


November 28, 2021

Perak Taiwan Broadcasting "A House Runs Up"

Perak Taiwan Channel saw the VTuber trend and launched a new type of program "A House Running Up", hosted by Meng Ling and VTuber Leina from the cosplay industry, chatting, playing games with 13 VTubers around the world, and sharing the latest animation information.


November 17, 2021

The Information Policy Council joins hands with domestic and foreign manufacturers to promote the digital transformation of Taiwan's original IP industry

The Information Policy Council held the "IP Digital Transformation-Innovative Application Exchange Discussion and Business Media Conference". Ransesi Animation joined hands with Yangbaaba to integrate marketing, develop VTuber live broadcast technology solutions, and produce 2D style VTuber Yan Xiaomei.

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October 9, 2021

2021 Taipei Fashion Week [Claudia Wang] show Zhan Tingyi: digital fashion is to create new trends in textiles in the future

2021 Taipei Fashion Week Claudia Wang 22SS's new work is released for the first time, using real people and virtual models to walk on the same stage, co-created with "Feng Sui Vision", in the "Double Integration" AMBI SPACE ONE immersive multi-functional exhibition space, complete the virtual and real mixed fashion rookie.


May 11, 2021

Wistron joins the VTuber battle! Interview with the real person behind VTuber

The Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association and the technology giant Wistron have launched a set of VTuber-manufactured software and hardware equipment. Wistron is responsible for the development of the hardware "Kapture", and the Taiwanese start-up company "Future Studio" develops the VTuber virtual broadcast director software "Morecap" , and then the Taiwan Net Red Association is responsible for promotion and bundled software and hardware sales.


August 07, 2020

The rise of virtual idols cross borders to seize global business opportunities
20200905【Taiwan rushes to the money】

With the rapid evolution of digital technology, the relationship between the virtual network and the physical society is becoming more and more closely intertwined. The "virtual idols" that are now popular among countless fans around the world are exactly the new trend of the entertainment and cultural industry.


July 03, 2020

​International Virtual Human Forum

"International Virtual Human Forum and Asian Hackathon Creation Contest", with the theme of "Life Under Quarantine", creates creations with virtual characters combined with creativity, showing the digital economy trend of cross-domain combination and coexistence of digital content.


February 19, 2020

Hybrid Mocap digital entertainment and motion capture demonstration exchange tea party

The Mocap Theater of Illusion
#mocapXmartial arts


October 18, 2019

Original IP Creation and VTuber Business Application Technology Sharing Session

Invited the super popular painter Xianjie Dashi, Minister of Kadokawa International Animation Education Luo Jiming, Kamike Animation Seven, digital axis net red hunter Dai Hongcheng, and many VTubers to share how to create original IP and create a new image of their own brand.





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虛擬浪潮來襲!VTuber超越真人直播主 新型「陪伴」娛樂大撈金

隨著動態捕捉技術、3D技術、AI技術等技術提升,造就數位經濟蓬勃發展,而各國企業紛紛推出VTuber,展現出該產業未來潛力。陳封平提到,像是東南亞接受虛擬偶像的方式就與台灣不同,像是知名男性內衣品牌泰國Calvin Klein就曾創作了VTuber作為品牌代言人,另外馬來西亞航空公司亞洲航空(airasia)也曾招募過虛擬人,企業端接受新一波科技浪潮,推動VTuber產業持續壯大。


May 6, 2022

Meta settles in Taiwan, Asia's first Metaverse base opens

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, announced yesterday the establishment of Asia's first "Metaverse XR Hub" at the "digiBlock C Digital Innovation Base" in Taipei City. The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) emphasized that this move demonstrates the strength of Taiwan-US relations; President Tsai Ing-wen He said that he will continue to promote the "information and digital industries" among the six strategic industries, build Taiwan into a global digital base, and cultivate more mountains of technology to protect the country.


April 9, 2022

[Young College X Tsinghua University] Unity Interactive Design × Virtual Character Integration Workshop ~ Great success!

Let students experience creating their own VTuber, and learn how to use motion capture equipment to make characters move, plus use Unity to connect characters and teach motion programming! Full of harvest~ Let's join the Metaverse together!


March 10, 2022

The chance of being involved in a scandal is low, and the annual income of Korean virtual models exceeds 20 million

In addition to Japan, China and South Korea have recently invested in the development of "realistic virtual Internet celebrities", with an output value of more than 20 million last year. Compared with real Internet celebrities, virtual Internet celebrities are easier to let people off guard and less likely to be involved in scandals.


January 25, 2022

Write your own Spring Festival couplets yourself, STUDIO A, invite calligraphy master Zhang Binghuang to show off e-pen App

Studio  A invited Professor Zhang Binghuang, a national treasure-level calligraphy master, to lead members to use the e-pen app to complete their own electronic Spring Festival couplets. This event is also in cooperation with "Zukunft Works Future Production", with the virtual person Meibo as a small assistant, creating a new experience in the Metaverse!


November 26, 2021

Cultivate a new generation of digital elite talents, and demonstrate Taiwan's innovative and creative competitiveness through training on behalf of the war and innovative problem-solving models

The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs held the "Announcement of the Results of the Next-Generation Technology Application Talents Training Program". Through the mechanisms of "Training with War" and "Industry Questions X Talents Solving Problems", digital elite talents were cultivated to cope with the transformation of enterprises and integrate with the world.


November 10, 2021

VTuber is ramming! Minsheng's "AI Health Manager Xiaomin" demonstrates how to use rapid screening reagents

Minsheng Medical launched VTuber Xiaomin, an AI health manager, through the cloud platform, to become each individual's health manager, and at the same time help the group to promote the concept and the concept of health education.


October 07, 2021

2021 Digital Taipei Future Life Intelligent Technology Shows Virtual and Multi-applications

The Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs held the "2021 Digital Taipei Future Life Smart Technology" event to showcase a number of digital twin technologies and virtual-real integration experiences, hoping to create a digital economy integrating virtual and real technologies.


April 11, 2021

Live VTuber is all restored by the gods in the middle

The VTuber industry has risen rapidly in less than 5 years, creating hundreds of millions of business opportunities. Compared with real Internet celebrities, virtual Internet celebrities can start at any time as long as they have software and hardware.


August 07, 2020

Digital twin co-creation platform launched in Taiwan and cross-border business media exchange meeting

In order to reflect the innovative application of digital twins, the "virtual human system", "transparent floating display", "virtual human stage lighting control", "5G wireless transmission" and "animation voice actor" technologies are used to create a virtual human "Guo Jia team". Join hands with a real host to show the simultaneous virtual and real dual-host interaction, which kicked off the "Taiwan Digital Twin Co-creation Platform Launch and Cross-border Business Media Exchange Conference".


April 04, 2020

Cotai Puppet Show

Traditional culture x motion capture

The most important essence of puppet play is "puppet manipulation". The culture and art of puppet play will be passed down through mobile games, and the puppet manipulation skills will be completely preserved by using motion capture records!


December 14, 2019

Geek Pine x Maker Pine
Providence University VTuber x game x maker

The "Geek Song X Maker Song" design competition held at Jingyi University covers virtual influencers, games, and maker designs. The students are very involved in the creation and work with the team to brainstorm~ These young makers will definitely become the future Nova!


October 07, 2019

Digital entertainment IP development technology and dynamic capture application exchange lecture

The Taiwan Virtual Influencer Association promotes the cooperation between Taiwan and Japan industries to connect with high school vocational students. The event invites Japanese industry experts and domestic animation companies to Fuxing Commercial and Industry to share with students about animation and game production. Finally, there are Japanese painters on-site hand-painting.

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