2020 VTuber Character Design Contest
A serious blow has been inflicted upon all cities across Taiwan. We would like to encourage character design which is targeting to revitalize cities and towns with its particular industry or product, which might lack of promotion during the pandemic.
Winners from this contest is also welcome to work with contestants for Taiwan VTuber Association’s annual Digital Human contest in mid 2021.
[ Theme ]
Digital content economy is hot. We also see quite a few Japanese cities and towns have been developing their own Digital Ambassadors. Such new characters are often used to promote the local product, animal or even intangible cultural assets. They even have their own Youtube channels to maintain their voice to the world. We see this is a great opportunity to create particular character to represent each city or town from Taiwan.

Theme Announcement
Winners Announcement

[ On-line recruiting ]
Theme:City Revitalization
Qualification:None. As long as you are interested in creating character for VTuber industry.
Registration by:11/21/2020.
Submit Here:https://forms.gle/br5CXTPyh7UaMR5N9
Submission by:
From 2020/11/21 to 2020/12/11 18:00. Submission must be original, yet to made its debut to the world.
Rule:To use Affinity software to do creation, Taiwan VTuber Association will provide on-line technical support.
Explanation:Up to 200 words to explain your creation.
Resolution:300dpi,RGB,A3 size
File naming:
Submission file format and naming: (Affinity common file format)
First file name:Team name_Creation Name_ 3 views
Second file name:Team name_Creation Name_ Scenario
*File need to include 3 views and scenario of the original character*
Follow up with us at FB:TaiwanVTuberAssociation

[ Criteria ]
30% - Design Originality
20% - Theme relevancy
50% - Potentiality for city revitalization promotion
[ Jury List ]
Coming soon....
[ Awards ]
Taiwan VTuber Association Cash Prize — NTD 10,000
USERJOY Cash Prize — NTD 5,000
Affinity Special Prizes — Affinity permanent license of 3 serial software
Wacom Special Prize — Wacom Intuos Comfort Plus Medium
[ Announcements ]
1. 參賽者須使用「Affinity」進行設計創作出屬於當地的吉祥物,符合本次競賽主題,圖片規格 : 300dpi,RGB色彩,單張尺寸A3,圖檔需包含設計原創角色的三視圖與角色情境圖,共兩個檔案,並於交件截止前交件。
2. 作品不可抄襲他人作品。凡作品內元素(背景 等等)皆須為原創作品,一旦發現作品有抄襲情事,將取消參賽資格,若是得獎作品、則會追回獎項。
3. 參賽作品其原稿、出版權及著作權將無條件供主辦單位及執行單位使用,未來將被作為宣傳活動之用,使用於台灣虛擬網紅協會與相關的公司經營的網站和服務上,主辦單位有權修改、重製該作品,原作者不另收取費用。
4. 依中華民國稅法規定,凡得獎價值超過新台幣2,000元者,中獎者須支付10%所得稅,主辦單位將事先代扣10%所得稅;得獎價值在新台幣1,000元以上者,年度報稅時必須計入個人所得;非中華民國境內居住之個人(即在中華民國境內居住未達183天之本國人及外國人)不論中獎人所得之金額,須就中獎所得扣繳20%機會中獎稅,得獎者需配合繳交身分證影印本作為申報依據。所有中獎資格,須經主辦單位查驗合格,方為有效。
5. 凡報名參賽者,即視為同意本次活動之各項規定,若有未盡事宜或不可抗拒因素而有所異動,主辦單位保有變更內容之權力,並於活動官方網站及FB粉絲專頁公告,不另行個別通知。
[ Cooperation ]
